Monday, February 28, 2011

You Tube Student Drum Cover

I know Tyler from my You Tube channel...he checks out some of the lessons, which I appreciate. He messaged me the other day and wanted me to check out his new cover, so I said absolutely. Again, more peeps need to recognize the benefit of something like You Tube for your can instantly have a gig! You get instant feedback! You don't have to be some You Tube drumming star, like a Cobus. The benefits of having the pressure of your peers checking out your playing and commenting on it is immense. And you'd be suprised at how many positive people there are, and how many people really do want to see you's such a great resource.

So cheers to you Tyler...not only for making a KILLER cover, but for having the guts to make your own gig.


Sean Appel said...

Cheers, Tyler! Nice work! Loved the tom groove!

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