Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Nothing To Do With Drumming...

Most everything on this blog is about drumming...except this.  I do other things with my time, lol...here's one of them...

Meet "The Make Believables"...

Kelli and I decided we needed a project to work on together...we both love kids books. So we've decided to write one about a group of kid's that learn about life by using their imaginations...with EPIC illustrations by the one and only Brian Nobles. You can watch the short video to see what it's all about.

Here's how you can help (and no you don't have to give money if you don't want to)...simply share the link with your friends here, through email, and on Twitter (Link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2135484717/the-make-believables). If we reach our publishing funding goal, we finish the book. If not, we don't. That simple. Along with a copy of the book, there is a TON of great additional swag for your support, including donations to local libraries.

In advance, we really appreciate the support and help in getting the word out!

Now...Back to the drums!


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